Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014


l dont know why
you said good bye
just let me know you didnt go
forever my love
plase tell me why
you make me cry
l beg you plase on my knees if
that's what you want me to

never knew that it would go so far
when you left me on that boulevard
come again you would release my pain
and we could be lovers again

just one more chance
another dance
and let me feel it isnt real that
l' ve been cosing you
this sun will rise
wi thin your eyes
come back to me and we will be
happy together

Never knew that it would go so far
when you left me on that boulevard
come again you would release my pain
and we could be lovers again

may today .l'll make you stay
a little while just for a smile and
love together
for l will show. A place l know
in tokyo where we could be
happy together

Never knew that it would go so far
when you left me on that boulevard
come again you would release my pain
and we could be lovers again

Never knew that it would go so far
when you left me on that boulevard
come again you would release my pain
and we could be lovers again

Lihat juga
>>>Memperterjemahkan internet
>>>Toko serba ada (lucu)
>>>Gundul biangke-rok

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